Friday, July 11, 2014

My Epileptic Laptop

A couple months ago, my one-year-old laptop suffered a – well, a traumatic injury (okay, I spilled milk on it). I performed all the emergency medical care that I could, but damage was inevitable. I'm grateful it works at all. But now, just like I do, my laptop has epileptic seizures. I don't remember who spilled milk on me.

Most days, it works just fine, processing information, saving memory, performing tasks, and running programs. But once in a while, without any sort of warning, it stops in the middle of whatever is happening and just instantly crashes into a display of multi-colored static. Nothing can restore the function except shutting it down for a few minutes and restarting it. It doesn't matter how important the function was that was happening at the moment of the seizure – there is no getting it to restore until the seizure is over and the hardware has recovered. I am fortunate that these particular seizures do not seem to cause any permanent physical damage.

If I'm lucky, this only happens once in a while. But there are some days when the seizures happen over and over again. I try to restart after each one, perhaps increasing the recovery time. Sometimes if I try enough times, function is restored and I can resume work. But sometimes, there is just no recovering that day, for whatever unknown reason...the temperature? Humidity in the air? The type of program that was running? Something in the video processing function? I'll never know.

Sometimes I think of it as a minor annoyance. Other days it is maddening. Once in a while, it ruins a whole day or two, wasting whatever tasks might have been completed in that valuable time.

Imagine if this were my work computer. How effective my work would be, which takes place about 90 percent of the time on the computer, if several days per month the hardware just suddenly collapsed into a mess of illogical visual snow, giving me no time to save my work, back up my hard drive, or ask for assistance? Interrupting Facebook posts is one matter, but losing all the edits in a 110-page engineering report is another matter altogether.

I could scrap it and buy a new one, but like I said, most of the time, it works just fine. It has great value to me and I want to keep it, to do work with it. It just takes some accommodation and understanding on the part of the user to work successfully on this machine. In a way, I've become more endeared to this computer than I was before, because we suffer from the same illness and require the same accommodation and understanding from people who interact with us.

This is what it's like to have epilepsy.


Jonna said...

It's an apt metaphor, and one I know well. I don't know who spilled milk on me, either! That blue screen of death is not my favorite...

Purpose and Direction said...

do you have advanced system care, a good anti-virus and malwarebytes and spywareblaster maintaining your computer? these are must free software downloads in a very destructive cyberspace!